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diagonal cracking中文是什么意思

用"diagonal cracking"造句"diagonal cracking"怎么读"diagonal cracking" in a sentence


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  • Experimental study on diagonal crack widths of reinforced concrete t - beams with high - strength stirrup
  • The test result shows the deflection and diagonal crack of recycled aggregate concrete beams are bigger than natural aggregate concrete beams , the shear capacity of recycled concrete beams reduces with the increase of recycled coarse aggregate content , the shear capacity reduces with the increase of shear - span ratio
  • From the point of the behavior of spandrel beam in the course of test , there are four clearly stages based on the three characteristic points : bending cracking of floor beams through the column , diagonal cracking of spandrel beams and / or bending cracking of floor beams above the spandrel beams ( including floor ) and bending yield of floor beams through the column . in the last stage , the torque of spandrel beams seems more like an equilibrium torque than a compatibility torque . the law of
  • As soon as the normal section cracks , the crack firstly appears in the flexural region . at this moment , the load - deflection curve has a turning point . with the increase of the load , the rigidity of the beam decreases compared with that before cracking because of the development of cracks in flexural region , and the formation and development of diagonal cracks toward the loading point , the load - deflection curve is basically linear till the beam fails
  • In this paper , a two - dimensional analysis of the tanjialiangzi bridge was first performed ; then a segment of the bridge was modeled and a three - dimensional analysis of it were carried out by employing the fem software of ansys ; after a careful analysis of the result of the calculations , the causes of the diagonal cracking in the web of the beam were given out ; and also , in the last part , common steps of damage evaluation of the long - span pc continuous bridges through fem software were summarized
用"diagonal cracking"造句  
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